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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • The manuscript file is written in Microsoft Word format (.doc, or .docx).
  • The manuscript file is anonymized (please do not include your name and affiliation).
  • The manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

All articles (about 5,000–7,500 words, bibliography excluded) should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format via e-mail at the Guest Editors' addresses (please see the Announcements section for CfPs). Authors should also make sure to cc the journal's address ( All manuscripts should include abstracts (around 150 words) in English and in the language of the article (if different), and 5 keywords in English. DIVE-IN welcomes contributions in English, Italian, as well as the main languages of academic research. Articles written in a language different from the contributor's native one should be submitted upon thorough revision by a native speaker.

Authors are kindly invited to write the articles using the template of the Journal (.docx).

All articles should observe the following editorial guidelines when submitted for review:

Fonts, styles and general instructions

The fonts used in the template are pre-loaded and embedded in the Style Gallery of the template, so that it should not be necessary to download them. We advise authors to draft their paper on a Microsoft Word document and then copy and paste each section in the template provided. In any case, the editorial staff will always ensure the articles' uniformity to the template during the editing process.

Header and Footer

Leave header and footer information unchanged


Style: 2.70 cm top, 2.70 cm bottom, 2.54 cm left, 2.54 cm right


Style: Title_DIVE-IN, left-aligned


On a new line under Title

Style: Title_DIVE-IN, left-aligned


Separated from Subtitle by an empty spacing line

Style: Author_DIVE-IN, left-aligned

In case of two authors, names are separated by the ampersand (“&”). In case of multiple authors, names are separated by commas


On a new line under Author

Style: Affiliation_DIVE-IN, left-aligned


Separated from Affiliation by two empty spacing lines

Abstract heading Style: Abstract_Heading_DIVE-IN

Text of the abstract separated from 'Abstract' heading by a tabular spacing (TAB)

Text of the abstract Style: Abstract_DIVE-IN, justified

Text in English / the language of the article, 150 words


Separated from Abstract by an empty spacing line

Keywords heading Style: Keywords_Heading_DIVE-IN

Five keywords separated by semicolons; first keyword is separated from 'Keywords' heading by a tabular spacing (TAB)

Keywords text Style: Keywords_DIVE-IN


Separated from Keywords by two empty spacing lines

Section heading Style: Section_Heading_DIVE-IN, justified


Separated from previous text by an empty spacing line

Sub-section heading Style: Subsection_Heading_DIVE-IN


Separated from previous text by an empty spacing line

Sub-subsection heading Style: Sub-subsection_Heading_DIVE-IN

Body text

Separated from headings by an empty spacing line

First lines in new paragraphs are indented by 1 cm, except for first line after Section Headings or long quotations

Body text Style: Body_DIVE-IN, exact spacing at 18pt, justified

Tables / figures / graphs

Separated from Body by an empty spacing line

In-text reference to tables / figures / graphs should be inserted between the brackets, for example: (see Table 1). 

Captions are separated from tables / figures / graphs by an empty spacing line

Caption Style: Figure_Caption_DIVE-IN, centred

Numbered examples

Separated from Body by an empty spacing line

Style: Body_DIVE-IN, italics, justified

If examples are not written in English (or more generally, in the language of the article), they should be translated. Single quotation marks are used for translations

In-text reference to numbered examples should be inserted between the brackets, for example (see (1)).

Example: (1) Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.

'The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.'


Used only when the information adds substantially to the discussion and they should be concise. In the main text, footnote superscript numbers should be inserted after punctuation

Footnotes Style: Footnote_DIVE-IN


Short or long quotations are always followed by in-text citations. Works are cited by including the author-year reference in the primary text, for example, Goldberg (1995) or by backgrounding references in parentheses (Marotta 1984; Cangemi & D’Imperio 2015). In case of more than two authors, the name of the first author is followed by “et al.” (no italics), for example, Johnson et al. (1989)

Short quotations (less than 3 lines) are incorporated in the main body of the text, using double quotation marks ("")

Example: For instance, according to Zhao & Jurafsky (2009: 242), "lexical frequency and ambient noise influence the phonetic realizations of lexical tones in Cantonese."

Longer quotations (more than 3 lines) should stand out from the main body text. An empty line of spacing is inserted between the body text and the quotation. Double quotation marks are not used for longer quotations. The font of the quoted excerpt is reduced by 1pt and indented by 1 cm on the left and right; Style: Quote_DIVE-IN

Quotation marks and Italics

Double quotation marks (" ") are used for in-text quotations (up to 3 lines)

Single quotation marks (' ') are used for translations or to give special emphasis to a word or a phrase

Italics are used only in these cases: numbered examples; titles of books, journals and films (e.g. To Kill a Mockingbird); metalinguistic references to technical terms (e.g. It is called word embedding.); foreign words (e.g. One of them is nasi goreng.)

Italics are not used for common loanwords (e.g. ad hoc, corpus, raison d'être, etc.)


All numbers from zero to one hundred are spelled out in nontechnical writing (e.g. He wrote twelve novels before 1974)

In technical articles, numbers are generally spelled out (e.g. Romanian has 20 phonemic consonants)

However, when a sentence begins with a number, it should always be spelled out (e.g. Sixty participants completed the trial)


Punctuation should be consistent throughout the paper and it should observe the specific norms of the language of the article. Nevertheless, the following rules are mandatory in all cases:

  • The dash (“–”) denotes a major break or pause (e.g. The author presented his theory – the first of its kind – during the keynote address) and it should not be overused

  • The Oxford comma should be avoided, unless it resolves ambiguity in sentence (e.g. He enjoyed going on long walks with his dogs, Charles Sanders Peirce, and Hermann Oldenberg.)

  • The colon is only used to introduce a list (e.g. The Eastern Romance subgroup: Romanian, Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian and Istro-Romanian) and to introduce a direct quotation of more than 3 lines

  • The ampersand (“&”) is only used in text if a cited work is written by two authors (e.g. Bertinetto & Loporcaro 2005) or the ampersand is part of a proper name, such as a trademarked corporate titles (e.g. Simon & Schuster)

Grammar and spelling

Grammar must be accurate

Spelling must be accurate and consistent throughout the article. American English and British English spelling should not be mixed

  • cfr.: compare to, confer

  • (ed.) or (eds.): editor or editors, when preceded by their names

  • Ed. or Eds.: editor or editors, when their names follow

  • edn.: edition

  • e.g.: for example

  • et al.: and others

  • etc.: and so forth

  • ff.: and the following pages

  • fig.: figure

  • introd.: introduction, introduced by

  • pref.: preface

  • qtd. in: quoted in

  • transl.: translation, translated by


Acknowledgements, if needed, are placed at the end of the article, before references. Use the same style as the Abstract.


Heading called 'References' separated from Section by an empty spacing line

References Heading Style: Section_Heading_DIVE-IN

Entries Style: References_DIVE-IN

The entries mentioned in the paper are listed alphabetically, separated by an empty spacing line

The style adopted by DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion is a free adaptation of the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals

Here are some examples of standard types of references:


Goldberg, Adele. 1995. Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Marotta, Giovanna. 1984. Aspetti della struttura ritmico-temporale in italiano. Pisa: Edizioni ETS.

Journal Articles

Bertinetto, Piermarco & Michele Loporcaro. 2005. “The sound pattern of Standard Italian, as compared with the varieties spoken in Florence, Milan and Rome.” Journal of the International Phonetic Association 35(2), 131–151. 

Flege, James E. 1989a.  “Differences in inventory size affects the location but not the precision of tongue positioning in vowel production.” Language & Speech 32, 123–147.

Flege, James E. 1989b. “Chinese subjects’perception of the word-final English /t/-/d/ contrast: Performance before and after training.” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 86, 1684–1697.

Johnson, Kyle, Mark Baker, & Ian Roberts. 1989. “Passive arguments raised.” Linguistic Inquiry 20, 219–251.

Perek, Florent & Martin Hilpert. 2017. “A distributional semantic approach to the periodization of change in the productivity of constructions.” International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 22(4), 490–520. 

Zhao, Yuan & Dan Jurafsky. 2009. “The effect of lexical frequency and Lombard reflex on tone hyperarticulation.” Journal of Phonetics 37, 231–247.

Articles in Edited Volumes

Cangemi, Francesco & Mariapaola D’Imperio. 2015. “Sentence Modality and Tempo in Neapolitan Italian.” In Joaquin Romero & Maria Riera (eds.), The Phonetics-Phonology Interface: Representations and methodologies, 109–123. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

Articles in Proceedings

Chiari, Isabella & Tullio De Mauro. 2014. “The New Basic Vocabulary of Italian as a linguistic resource.” In Roberto Basili, Alessandro Lenci, & Bernardo Magnini (eds.), Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014), 113–116. Pisa: Pisa University Press.

PhD Theses

Jilka, Matthias. 2000. The contribution of intonation to the perception of foreign accent. Identifying intonational deviations by means of F0 generation and resynthesis. Stuttgart: University of Stuttgart. (Doctoral dissertation).

Webpages and online newspaper articles (with author)

Folarin, Amina. 2020. “Stop confusing BLM and D & I. They are not the same thing: Businesses are missing their opportunities to change.” Campaign, 19 June 2020, (link) [last access on 01/01/2021].

Webpages and online newspaper articles (without author)

“Diversity ABC to learn from scratch. How Companies Should Face Diversity.” Fujitsu Journal, 19 December 2017, (link) [last access on 01/01/2021].


When needed, insert translations of contributions' titles in brackets, for example:

Shiobara, Yoshikazu. 2019. “Tabunkashugi wa haigaishugi wo yokuseishiuruka” (“Can multiculturalism control jingoism?”). Fukuin to Sekai 74(12), 30–35.


Guidelines for Reviews

DIVE-IN seeks to provide its readers with reviews of relevant books, in an effort to raise awareness of the current debates regarding diversity and inclusion both in Italy and internationally. It thus welcomes the submission of book reviews, which will be published pending editorial decision and will not undergo the standard peer-review process.

In the case of thematic CfPs, DIVE-IN encourages reviews of books related to the specific theme, so as to implement thematic cohesion within the monographic journal issue.

DIVE-IN welcomes reviews in English, Italian, as well as the main languages of academic research. Just as for articles, reviews written in a language different from the contributor’s native one should be submitted upon thorough revision by a native speaker.

Reviews should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format to the Guest Editors' e-mail addresses (please see the Announcements section).

Authors are kindly invited to write their review using the review template (.docx).

Reviews should not exceed 8000 characters. The title of the reviewed monograph should be described as follows: Name Surname, Title, City: Publisher, Series, Year, Number of pages, ISBN. Below the title, authors should indicate their name and affiliation(s).


Sabrina Fusari, Barbara Ivancic, & Caterina Mauri (eds.), Diversità e inclusione: Quando le parole sono importanti, Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Meltemi Editore, Linee, 2022, 260 pp., ISBN 9788855197038.

Reviewed by Author (Affiliation).

Extensive use of footnotes is discouraged. Authors are kindly invited to adhere to the formatting guidelines previously provided for articles.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
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