Call for Papers 2/2023
Call for Papers 2/2023: Before the after: narrative distopiche nel presente della catastrofe
a cura di Edoardo Balletta e Paola Scrolavezza
[…] with World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, the various revolutions both successful and suppressed, the struggles against colonialism that only succeeded after very high costs were paid, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., the twentieth century has quite correctly been called the dystopian century, and the twenty-first century does not look much better.
(T.L. Sargent, Do Dystopias Matter?, in F. Vieira (ed.), Dystopia (n) Matters. On the Page, on Screen, on Stage, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Pub, 2013, p. 10)
La narrativa del nuovo millennio – e con un’accelerazione, significativa e comprensibile, negli ultimi anni – sembra sempre maggiormente affascinata e inquietata dagli scenari distopici e (post)catastrofici. Sembrerebbe quasi che stiamo assistendo a un dystopian turn dove la narrativa distopica non è più genere ma funzione del testo (letterario, filmico, seriale, fumettistico).
A partire da queste premesse, il sesto numero (2/2023) di DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity & Inclusion vuole concentrarsi in particolare sui modi nei quali, attraverso la fluidificazione dei piani spaziali e temporali e la confusione dei confini fra passato/presente/futuro o fra reale/digitale, le narrative distopiche attuali costruiscono mondi che richiamano non tanto la fantascienza in senso stretto quanto quella realtà non più piana ma ‘proiettata’ di cui parlava già Zamjatin, più recentemente ripresa nel concetto di realismo aumentato da Fabio Deotto. Qui infatti l’immaginario distopico diventa veicolo di una vera e propria indagine sociologica sulla crisi del presente, dalla frammentazione dell’identità individuale alla sempre più dilagante sociofobia collettiva. In questa prospettiva, l’interesse dei curatori è diretto soprattutto, ma non solo, alle produzioni delle culture convenzionalmente definite “marginali” e “periferiche” e al loro rapporto con la tradizione narrativa mainstream, nell’ottica di una ridefinizione delle nozioni stesse di centro e periferia nel contesto delle dinamiche oggi dominanti della globalizzazione e del neocapitalismo avanzato.
Di seguito un elenco (non esclusivo) dei possibili ambiti:
• Distopia e global fiction
• Distopia e ‘Global South’: decentering the West
• Distopia & Science Fiction
• Distopia & realismo
• Gender & distopia
• Cambiamento climatico e eco-apocalisse
• Rileggere i classici della distopia oggi
• Presente e futuro della distopia
Call for Papers 2/2023: Before the After: Dystopian Narratives in the Present of the Catastrophe
edited by Edoardo Balletta e Paola Scrolavezza
[…] with World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, the various revolutions both successful and suppressed, the struggles against colonialism that only succeeded after very high costs were paid, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., the twentieth century has quite correctly been called the dystopian century, and the twenty-first century does not look much better.
(T.L. Sargent, Do Dystopias Matter?, in F. Vieira (ed.), Dystopia (n) Matters. On the Page, on Screen, on Stage, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Pub, 2013, p. 10)
The narrative of the new millennium – and in particular, with a significant and evident acceleration, of the last years – is apparently more and more fascinated and troubled by dystopian and (post)catastrophic scenarios. Apparently, we are witnessing what it might be defined as a dystopian turn, where dystopian fiction is no longer a genre but a function of the text (being the latter a novel, a film, a TV series or comics).
Stemming from these premises, the sixth issue (2/2023) of DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity & Inclusion aims at focusing specifically on the ways current dystopian narratives play with the melting of spatial and temporal layers, blurring the boundaries between past, present and future or between reality and the digital world. Thus, such fictions succeed in building worlds that refer back not to the classical science fiction, but rather to that no longer ‘plane’ but ‘projected’ reality already discussed by Zamjatin, and more recently reconsidered through the concept of ‘augmented realism’ by Fabio Deotto.
Therefore, the dystopian imagery becomes a vehicle for a proper sociological investigation of the crisis of the present, from the fragmentation of the individual identity to the increasingly spreading collective sociophobia. Within this perspective, the interest of the editors is especially, but not only, directed to media and fictional productions by cultures conventionally defined as “marginal” and “peripheral” and to their relationship to the mainstream narrative tradition. The aim is a reframing of the notions of ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’ in the context of today’s dominant dynamics of globalization and advanced neocapitalism.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Dystopia and global fiction
- Dystopia & 'Global South': decentring the West
- Dystopia & Science Fiction
- Dystopia & realism
- Gender & dystopia
- Climate change and eco-apocalypse
- Rereading the classics of dystopia today
- Present and future of dystopia
Call for Papers 2/2023: Before the after: narrativas distópicas en el presente de la catástrofe
eds. Edoardo Balletta y Paola Scrolavezza
[…] with World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, the various revolutions both successful and suppressed, the struggles against colonialism that only succeeded after very high costs were paid, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., etc., the twentieth century has quite correctly been called the dystopian century, and the twenty-first century does not look much better.
(T.L. Sargent, Do Dystopias Matter?, in F. Vieira (ed.), Dystopia (n) Matters. On the Page, on Screen, on Stage, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Pub, 2013, p. 10).
La narrativa del nuevo milenio –y con una aceleración, significativa y comprensible, en los últimos años – parece sufrir cada vez más la fascinación y la inquietud por los escenarios distópicos y (pos)catastróficos. Hasta podría decirse que estamos asistiendo a un giro distópico en que este tipo de narración ya no es un género sino una función del texto (literario, fílmico, serial, historietístico).
A partir de estas premisas, el sexto número (2/2023) de DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity & Inclusion quiere concentrarse especialmente en las modalidades a través de la cuales, gracias a una fluidificación de los planes espaciales y temporales y a la confusión de fronteras entre pasado/presente/futuro o entre real y digital, las narrativas distópicas actuales construyen mundos que remiten no tanto a la ciencia-ficción en sentido estricto, como a aquella realidad ya no plana sino “proyectada” de la que ya habló Zamjatin y que, más recientemente ha sido retomada por el concepto de realismo aumentado por el escritor italiano Fabio Deotto. En este caso, el imaginario distópico se hace vehículo de una profunda indagación sociológica sobre la crisis del presente, desde la fragmentación de la identidad individual a la cada vez más difundida sociofobia colectiva. En esta perspectiva, el interés de los curadores se dirige sobre todo, pero no solo, a las producciones de las culturas tradicionalmente definidas “marginales” o “periféricas” y a su relación con la tradición narrativa mainstream, en pos de una redefinición de las nociones mismas de “centro” y “periferia” en el contexto de las dinámicas actualmente dominantes de la globalización y del neocapitalismo avanzado.
Solo a modo de ejemplo detallamos algunos ámbitos posibles (pero no exclusivos):
• Distopías y global fictions
• Distopías y sur global: decentering the West
• Distopías y ciencia-ficción
• Distopía y realismo
• Género y distopías
• Cambio climático y eco-apocalipsis
• Relecturas contemporáneas de los clásicos distópicos
• Presente y futuro de las distopías
- Invio di un abstract di max. 500 parole entro il 15/4/2023 agli indirizzi: e, indicando nell'oggetto della mail: "Proposta DIVE-IN 2/2023”
- Notifica di accettazione/non accettazione della proposta entro il 30/4/2023
- Consegna degli articoli definitivi da parte degli autori entro il: 31/7/2023