L'altra Antigone: Rielaborazioni contemporanee del mito di Antigone tra diversità culturale e inclusione sociale
Antigone, mythocriticism, post-colonial literature, rewritings, inclusionAbstract
The proposal focuses on contemporary adaptations of the myth of Antigone, with particular emphasis on the themes of diversity, integration, and inclusion. Over the centuries, the myth of Antigone has been reinterpreted to give voice to various minorities; in recent times, the setting has also shifted to post-colonial contexts, and the protagonist has often been associated with migrant realities and the Islamic world. It typically involves young women from immigrant backgrounds who struggle for their inclusion into a new society and, at the same time, they contend with the complexities of their heritage culture and familial dynamics. Beginning with a methodological introduction regarding the adaptation process of classics in the post-colonial context, then the study focuses on mythocritical research and proposes a thematic analysis useful to delineate how contemporary authors have adapted the classical tragedy.
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