L'analisi del discorso multimodale come metodo di ricerca-azione per l'educazione ai media: un caso pratico di studio
media education, multimodal discourse analysis, multimodal literacy, digital multimodal composing, climate changeAbstract
Media Education is crucial in the digital age, yet educational interventions often remain fragmented and ineffective. This article presents a new approach to Media Education by adopting multimodal discourse analysis (MDA) as a research-action tool in schools. Specifically, it describes the objectives, methodologies, and results of a PCTO project entitled “Media Education and Active Citizenship 4.0” conducted between 2021 and 2024 with 200 high school students. This contribution illustrates how this methodology was employed to analyze discourse on climate change in the media, presented as a case study. The results show that while many students often reproduce the alarming media frame typical of multimodal discourse on climate change, MDA has enabled them to analytically process communicative strategies and create alternative representations. Despite the need for a more accessible metalanguage, the findings confirm the effectiveness of MDA in Media Education practices.
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