Il viaggio di Clitennestra attraverso i secoli: da Micene a Metropolis
myth, dystopia, Clytemnestra, theatre, post-apocalypticAbstract
In 2015, the Sicilian director Vincenzo Pirrotta re-elaborated the myth of Clytemnestra in his drama Clitennestra Millennium. La caduta degli dèi. Tragedia post – moderna in tre mondi, in which Clytemnestra returns to Mycenae, in a post-apocalyptic scenario, where all traces of ancient beauty were destroyed after a terrible plague that hit the city and which led to the dictatorship of the Elektra and Oreste. The work is full of literary and cinematographic references, such as La caduta degli dèi by Luchino Visconti and Metropolis by Fritz Lang. In particular, Johann Fredersen’s journey towards a dehumanized environment is comparable to the journey that Clytemnestra embarks on to reach his own children towards the brighter world, behind whose light, however, the crisis of values that characterizes society is hidden, due to which it is difficult to speak of humanity, but where there is only place for ashes and ruins.
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