Spersonalizzazione del personaggio e inclusione del lettore: da Noi di Evgenij Zamjatin (1921) a Notre vie dans les forêts (2017) di Marie Darrieussecq
Anthropocene, depersonalization, dystopia, inclusion, posthumanAbstract
This paper analyzes two dystopias belonging to different worlds and eras: one from the 20th century, We, by Russian writer E. Zamjatin and the other from the 21st century, Notre vie dans les forêts, by the French M. Darrieussecq. This literary journey of a century allows us to focus on themes dear to the dystopian genre but especially related to the lives of today’s readers, in the spirit of engaged literature. In particular, readers will be prompted to reflect, with the help of some critical insights, primarily on the disasters of the Anthropocene and on the depersonalization experienced by humans in a world that changes too quickly and in which the boundaries between human and nonhuman seem to have been obliterated. Starting from this last element, the article considers a new model of inclusion of the different, the posthuman, through the studies of Rosi Braidotti and Donna Haraway.
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