Rettifiche per un linguaggio inclusivo: i segni dell’uguaglianza e della diversità nella lingua coreana
inclusive language, non-discriminatory language, gender equality, Korean languageAbstract
This work aims to draw the attention to the main linguistic issues produced by Korean society and to propose a reflection on non-discriminatory language, which is increasingly moving to an inclusive direction towards any individual or social group, attributing equal dignity and visibility to all. This present research intends to proceed with the collection of a corpus of terms and phrases of the Korean language in the description of persons or groups of individuals who may encounter the risk of discrimination. This work is based on the surveys carried out by the SFWF (Seoul Foundation of Women Family), established in 2002, and units selected will be analyzed with the aim of proposing the correction of terms representing a patriarchal society and strongly male chauvinist. The reflections of these research, therefore, invite to take small steps to contribute to a broader social understanding of respect.
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