(De)costruire le identità: la Germania e il suo passato coloniale
identity construction, discourse analysis, conceptual metaphor theory, colonialism, genocide herero and namaAbstract
The (de)construction of identity, especially in post-colonial contexts, is created from different points of view and often from a perspective of diversity and inclusion. The decolonizing process is indeed a fight for inclusion and acknowledgment of what is perceived within diversity. In this article, the (de)construction of the post-colonial identities of the German and Namibian communities is broken down, questioning them in relation to the recent recognition of the genocide of the Nama and Herero peoples perpetrated by the German colonial power in the 19th century. A comparison of the language used in the German-speaking press in Germany (Bild, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung) and Namibia (Allgemeine Zeitung Namibia) is carried out using the approach of critical discourse analysis and the metaphor analysis, to highlight the discrepancies at the level of inclusion between these communities which create multiple and conflicting identity constructions.
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