Per un’ecologia delle somiglianze e delle diversità


  • Francesco Remotti Università di Torino



diversity, similarity, substance, coexistence


According to the contexts in which ‘diversity’ is placed, it acquires different roles and meanings. One thing is a diversity of ‘substances’, which have nothing in common (many incommunicable spheres), and another is a diversity of ‘similarities’, where everything is similar and different to everything else (networks of connections). A grove in the midst of buildings in a semi-peripheral district of Turin is taken as an example of a tangle of similarities and differences, which survives in the midst of geometric shapes coexisting in their static nature. The resilience of becoming instead of being, of similarities-differences (SoDif) with respect to identity, is the theme upon which the author invites readers to reflect.


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How to Cite

Remotti, F. (2021). Per un’ecologia delle somiglianze e delle diversità. DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion, 1(1), 12–17.